God Is Expecting Something Out of You


Sunday - 9 AM Sunday School Education via zoom, 11 AM Worship Service | THURSDAY -7:30PM BIBLE DISCUSSION via facebook/youtube live, friday-7:30pm zoomathon prayer/fellowship

May 26, 2024

Christ came to fulfill the law and to redeem mankind from sin and shame.  Christ cursed the fig tree when he found only leaves and no fruit.  Christ is looking for fruit out of our lives.  He denounced the Jews for having a form of godliness yet lacked power and a posture of true worship and a heart void of repentance.  We must search our hearts and not take Grace for granted and strive to worship the Lord in spirit and true and bear fruit.  We should avoid having the look of a tree, but have no fruit.  We are called to be Jesus trees.  So when people and God encounter us, they should see and experience Jesus.  We are to abide in Christ and Christ abide in us so that we may bear fruit and much fruit.  An apple tree bears apples and a Jesus tree bears Jesus fruit.  God is expecting something out of you.  Jesus expected the fig tree to have fruit on it, but it did not have fruit.  It looked good, but lacked substance.  Be careful that you don't look good without substance.

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