I Will Serve the Lord


Sunday - 9 AM Sunday School Education via zoom, 11 AM Worship Service | THURSDAY -7:30PM BIBLE DISCUSSION via facebook/youtube live, friday-7:30pm zoomathon prayer/fellowship

Oct. 08, 2023

Joshua reminded the children of Israel of the goodness and grace of God they experienced while in the wilderness.  Joshua reminds them that God is holy and righteous and if they would turn from Him, they would experience the hand of God.  Joshua prophesied "for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Israel made the same declaration.  Joshua made a covenant and made a stone as a witness to remind them of the covenant they made with God and the words of commitment they made unto the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  May we be as Joshua and say and do I WILL SERVE THE LORD.

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