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The Messiah Throughout

by: Monique Johnson



Clues about The Messiah is all through the scripture.  There are over 300 clues in the Old Testament that point us to The Son of God, The Messiah.  We find clues in stories or experiences like Genesis 22:1-14.  

Let us pray that The Messiah be revealed to us as we read the Old Testament.

Heavenly Father, the creator of heaven and earth, The All-Seeing, All Knowing, All-Present God we thank you for your eternal love and promises which are yes and amen.  We thank you for the g

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Sufficient Grace

by: Pastor Monique Johnson



In a time of uncertainty, obscurity, chaos, confusion and evil, we must hold fast to the grace and peace of God.  We must remember that even in the midst of all of this, and how we feel, and what we don't know God's unmerited favor is enough to finish the course, to start the race, to pick up the torch, to follow and obey God.  And when it feels harder than before, when we feel weaker than most God's strength is made perfect in our weakness.  So, turn it over to Jesus, lea

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Brace Yourself for the Impact of God

by: Monique Johnson



What an encouraging NYE celebration service with Pastor Mary Washington-Powerhouse Ministries International Global Washington, Bishop Willard R. Johnson, and Monique D. Johnson. 

We are in a new season and time. A time we will still experience setbacks, setups, calamites, and disasters, but in the midst of it all BRACE YOURSELF FOR THE IMPACT OF GOD.  Get yourself in the right posture and position to receive an outpouring of the spirit of God that will empower and equip fo

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Accept What God Allows

by: Monique Johnson



We are in a very uncomfortable season.  Many are trying to wrap their heads around the outcome of situations. Many are questioning God even mad with him because it is hard to understand what is going on and what will transpire in the days and years to come.  But I want to remind of the words Richard White Clean penned and Twinkie Clark sang.  Those words are needed at this time.

The words are "Accept what God allows.  You're better off anyway.  Face the facts and you will n

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Faith-Your Superpower

by: Monique Johnson



As I prepared to deliver a message from the gospel according to Mark concerning the woman with the issue of blood, I come to realize the FAITH is our superpower.  We have heard many say she stole virtue from Jesus as he passed through town on his way to heal the daughter of Jairus, but I believe she wasn't a thief, but she tapped into her superpower.  We have read, and been taught and heard messages from the word of God that tells us without faith it is impossible to pleas

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Devotion, Declaration, Denouncing and Decreeing is the key

by: Monique Johnson



We are in a season where we have God is calling all soldiers to rise up.  We have to see ourselves as God see us. We have to utilize what God has given us.  We must lay aside every weight and every sin, every insecurity, hurt and pain and gird ourselves in the power, peace and healing and God so that we can fight the good fight of faith.  How will we fight this fight?  First there must be daily devotion with God and unto God.  Allow Him the opportunity to commune and teach

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lemons and Lemonade

by: Monique Johnson



Simple reminder.  When life gives you lemons learn to make lemonade.  Whatever you experience in life did not catch God by surprise so we must learn to not cry about the lemon but pray about innovative ideas and creative ways for it to work in our behalf like making the lemon into lemonade.  Let's change our perspective.

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Allow, Allign, and Assign

by: Monique Johnson



God is Sovereign and Providential.  There is nothing He does not know about or does not have control or authority over. I heard the spirit of God say I allowed that, and I am aligning you for what I have assigned to you.  Nothing is simple because of us or someone else, but all was allowed to serve a purpose of growth, development, revealing, pruning, strengthening, illumination, chastisement, proving and the more.  Even the devil can't do anything without God allowing it.

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 7

by: Monique Johnson



Father into Your hands I commit My spirit (Luke 23:46) He who freely gave Himself into the hands of His executioners was now committing Himself into the hands of His Father. In life He had always submitted to His Father’s will, and now in death it would be no different.

The forsaken feeling He’d experienced shortly before no longer remained. He knew God would answer His expectation, so, gasping His last breath, Jesus uttered His last words—words of complete faith.

Exactly as

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 6

by: Monique Johnson



It is finished (John 19:30) As Christ hung on the cross taking on the sin of disobedience of man, enduring the shame, being wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities once the Father was appeased by the payment for sin, Christ was able to say it is finished.  The price had been paid in full.  That day saw at least 25 messianic prophecies fulfilled, witnessing to the inspiration of God’s Word. At age 12, He had said, “I must be about My Father’s business” (Lu

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 5

by: Monique Johnson



I thirst (John 19:28) These words Christ spoke fulfilled another prophesy written by David in Psalm 69:1 “For my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.”  When He said I thirst, they thought he thirst for water because they scrutinized Him all night, they didn’t feed him, they physically tortured Him and demanded physical labor from His weak body.  But It wasn’t water or vinegar that he thirst for.   David said and prophesied in Psalm 42 as a deer panteth for the waters so m

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 4

by: Monique Johnson



Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?  My God, My God why have you forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:46)

It occurred about the ninth hour after sunrise, or about 3 p.m. Jesus had been in agony on the cross for six hours by this time.  He says these words…. David once wrote, “I have not seen the righteous forsaken” (Psalm 37:25). “Forsake” means to abandon or leave helpless. Being forsaken is a horrific experience, but to be forsaken by God would be the worst!

Surely His Father had not forsaken

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 3

by: Monique Johnson



Woman behold your son (John 19:26-27) When we are adopted into the family of God, we have a new family.  As Jesus taught in the synagogue, and His disciples told him his DNA family was outside, He looked around and pointed to all those who received Him  and His word as family.  In Mark 3:35 Christ says those who do the will of God, the same is my brother, sister and mother. As the mother of Jesus heart was panged with pain seeing her son endure such pain and agony and hate

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross Part 2

by: Monique Johnson



You will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43) Jesus was able with assurance tell this thief where he would be after death because knew what He was doing.  He understood His purpose and the fulfillment of His death.   He understood that death, burial and resurrection would pay the penalty of death and grant the gift of God which is eternal life.  He was able to tell this thief that acknowledged His sinful ways that spiritual death would no longer be able to hold mankind capt

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The Chosen Lamb Endured the Cross

by: Monique Johnson



The Chosen Lamb of God endured the cross over 2000 years ago.  In the beginning, middle and end when the temptation to defend himself, call on a legion of angels, give up the ghost sooner than planned to avoid the shame and separation from the Father, the chosen Lamb of God endured the cross.  He fulfilled many messianic prophecies about this momentous day.  Father forgive them for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34) As Christ began the process of redemption and justif

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