Faith-Your Superpower


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by: Monique Johnson



As I prepared to deliver a message from the gospel according to Mark concerning the woman with the issue of blood, I come to realize the FAITH is our superpower.  We have heard many say she stole virtue from Jesus as he passed through town on his way to heal the daughter of Jairus, but I believe she wasn't a thief, but she tapped into her superpower.  We have read, and been taught and heard messages from the word of God that tells us without faith it is impossible to please God.  We have heard and read that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.  We have heard and read that faith caused Abraham and Sarah to be the parents of many nations, Moses called a friend of God, Joshua and the Hebrew nation bring down the thick and high walls of Jericho, Gideon defeat Midianites with just 300 men, the disciples wait in the upper room for 10 days as instructed, and  the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years dry up as she pressed and reached for the hem of Jesus as she already had determined by faith if she could just press beyond the pressing and reach for his hem she would be healed.  

So. I have determined that faith is our superpower given by God, we just have to tap into it.  Any superhero once their superpower is revealed takes the time to hone in (sharpen), and perfect their gift so they can use it to the best of their ability.

I suggest to you that you been given a gift called faith that pleases God, moves mountains, shakes the foundation of the enemy, so use your superpower, allow the Lord God to sharpen, to shape, to develop, to stretch your faith and you will experience healing, hope, miracles, open doors and more.

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As I prepared to deliver a message from the gospel according to Mark concerning the woman with the issue of blood, I come to realize the FAITH is our superpower.  We have heard many say she stole virtue from Jesus as he passed through town on his way to heal the daughter of Jairus, but I believe she wasn't a thief, but she tapped into her superpower.  We have read, and been taught and heard messages from the word of God that tells us without faith it is impossible to please God.  We have heard and read that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.  We have heard and read that faith caused Abraham and Sarah to be the parents of many nations, Moses called a friend of God, Joshua and the Hebrew nation bring down the thick and high walls of Jericho, Gideon defeat Midianites with just 300 men, the disciples wait in the upper room for 10 days as instructed, and  the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years dry up as she pressed and reached for the hem of Jesus as she already had determined by faith if she could just press beyond the pressing and reach for his hem she would be healed.  

So. I have determined that faith is our superpower given by God, we just have to tap into it.  Any superhero once their superpower is revealed takes the time to hone in (sharpen), and perfect their gift so they can use it to the best of their ability.

I suggest to you that you been given a gift called faith that pleases God, moves mountains, shakes the foundation of the enemy, so use your superpower, allow the Lord God to sharpen, to shape, to develop, to stretch your faith and you will experience healing, hope, miracles, open doors and more.

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